Why study with the Teacher Training College?
Earn while you learn
Unlike a year of a PGCE you will earn a competitive salary and be comfortable in the knowledge that your salary is yours to do what you wish.
Flexible start dates
If you have school-based experience already we can provide you access to the next intake. If you are a career changer or graduate, we provide you with valuable school-based experience prior to starting your PGCE with QTS.
Classroom experience
Most of your time will be spent in a classroom where you will gain priceless practical experience; preparing you for your career as a teacher.
First class teacher training
You will gain first-class teacher training with a leading university. At the end of the programme, you will achieve PGCE with QTS.
With termly intakes across the year in both primary and secondary level education, now is the time to get in touch and find out more about how we can help you provide your staff the next step in their career.